Company‘s Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion For TOP SECRET — NATO SECRET

Company‘s Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion For TOP SECRET — NATO SECRET
06 Νοέ 2015

Mega Guard Certification

Mega Guard Certification NATOMega Guard was granted  Cer­tifi­cate of Indus­trial Safety level TOP SECRETNATO SECRET for the instal­la­tions and the per­sonel of the com­pany accord­ing to Reg­u­la­tion of Indus­trial Safety (EKVA/​2005) and the Reg­u­la­tion of Safe­ty­NATO C-​M (2002) 49 – Enclo­sure “G”/​17 june 2002. After­wards the inspec­tion of our instal­la­tions from a spe­cial com­mi­sion of the Greek Min­istry for National Defence.

