New Analy­sis Of Plim­soll. In The 500 Biggest Com­pa­nies Of The World’s Secu­rity Mar­ket!

New Analy­sis Of Plim­soll. In The 500 Biggest Com­pa­nies Of The World’s Secu­rity Mar­ket!
06 Νοέ 2015

Plimsoll Analysis Mega Sprint Guard

MEGA GUARD SA included in the new analysis of Plimsoll, together with the 500 largest companies Security of the global market . According to this analysis , MEGA GUARD S.A.:
• It is the 105th most profitable
• Is 384th fastest growing
• Based on recent sales per employee is the 375th most productive
• in many different categories has been characterized by “OutstandingPerformance

